Intersectionality, Systematic Guest User Intersectionality, Systematic Guest User

5 ways intersectionality affects diversity and inclusion at work

Read how failing to take intersectionality into account can lead to gender wage inequality, lack of professional development, hiring discrimination and inequalities in unemployment, increased sexual harassment, and higher turnover rates. The article discusses each topic mentioned above in great detail backed up with data and offers an insightful solution for the company to address intersectionality.

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Environmental Justice Guest User Environmental Justice Guest User

Tribal Waters

Is water being taken for granted? To the Shoshone Bannock tribe water is a commodity for people and culture but it also serves as a spiritual necessity. Take a second to explore what water means to the native people of Wyoming and the history of water rights in the area.

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Environmental Justice Guest User Environmental Justice Guest User

Trace: Memory, history, race, and the American landscape.

“Trace” by Lauret Savoy is a story of tracing back one’s origins, ancestry, relation to the land, and the significance of being a citizen in a nation. As a text, it stood out because of the extensive accounts of the loss of indigenous spaces and their influence on what we have now. Tracing the actual relation to many areas, Savoy found that “More than half of the United States’ names originated, in some form, from Indigenous languages” (76). A vast amount of it is masked, by the European, Anglo-American-sounding tongues and not many are aware, and I appreciated the call to notice such influence indigenous elements still have, despite the agenda to erase it. As well as the internal strife and journey Savoy went through to discover herself as an individual, especially towards the land that she inhabits.

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Ageism Guest User Ageism Guest User

Let’s end ageism.

“It is not the passage of time that makes getting older so much harder than it has to be. It is ageism.” Click below to watch Ashton Applewhite's take on ageism.

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