The Essential Role Of Mental Health For A Diverse, Inclusive Workplace
How can employers emphasize their commitment to increasing inclusivity and diversity at their workplace? Have you ever wondered what needs to be done in order to make words into action? Click on this article to find the answers to these questions!
Why Black employees aren't comfortable asking for mental health support
This article is a great way to start a conversation about mental health of Black people at their workplace.
6 Ways to Support BIPOC Mental Health at Work
Click to find out more about how to actively help improve mental health of BIPOC people at a workplace!
‘White Fragility’ Is Everywhere. But Does AntiRacism Training Work?
“Robin DiAngelo’s best seller is giving white Americans a new way to talk about race. Do those conversations actually serve the cause of equality?” - NY Times
John McWhorter: The Limits of Antiracism
In this video, John McWhorter addresses many ‘woke‘ practices in the antiracist movement and critically analyzes their actual impact. Watch this video for a well-articulated reflection on antiracist practices that may only be further contributing to the issue of racism.
Tears we cannot stop
If we are to make real racial progress we must face difficult truths, including being honest about how black grievance has been ignored, dismissed, or discounted.
To end white supremacy, attack racist policy, not people
Americans must focus on defeating white supremacist structures without condemning white people.
Want to be anti-racist?
The reasons you oppose racism are as important as the fact that you do.
Dear white people: Being an ally isn’t always what you think
For white people wanting to be part of an anti-racist movement, what does it mean to be an ally?